Often, before Chiari suffers are diagnosed, we are told we are making the symptoms up. There is nothing wrong. Test after test comes back normal. Doctors cannot find anything. It must be all in our heads.
I was talking to my therapist on Tuesday and I was telling her how I was telling myself that I am making up the symptoms. Maybe it's just denial that this is happening again. I am not making up the big symptoms - my headaches and the shoulder discomfort - but the other ones. The sensitivity to light especially. But oh my god - the light!!!!!!!
The office I work in is not very large, it's pretty compact. It's not the greatest building ever, but I don't have to pay for parking so I consider it the best place to work here in the 'Burgh. My favorite about this building is the windows. The outside walls are waist to ceiling windows all around the building. The amount of wonderful natural lighting could be amazing.
Could be.
No. Instead the blinds are down and there are spaced out, approximately every 6' x 2' from each other, these 2' long three tube fluorescent lights. I can't even begin to image what the wattage of these bulbs are, maybe 3000. Are they trying to blind us???
For about two months I was wearing sunglasses at work. The past two days, I've been wearing my scarves over my head as a bit of a shield.
HR has the note to try and get at least the light above my desk removed.
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